“Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life”
“Dove Vai” means “Where are you going”
DOVE VAI – dmc made in Italy, is a Destination Management Company that focuses on Incoming tourism with innovative ideas and high quality travel arrangements ranging from northern to southern Italy
We have years of experience in catering for the specific needs of your clients as well as always costumizing unexpected adventures and happenings for your clients , with personal contact and follow-up throughout the process. We enjoy challenges and enjoy creating memorable experiences regardless of cost!
We have both lived and loved Italy for a long time and love discovering new hidden gems and rediscovering old ones. We would like everyone to see and experience Italy like we do, as locals.
Anette Nielsen
Anette is Swedish born and has been living in Italy since 1995. With 23 years of experience from the travel industry and with incoming/dmc at Turom Viaggi. Anette has traveled an incredible amount in Italy and is an expert at finding hidden gems.
Hannah is Swedish and has been living in Italy since 2003. She has worked in the travel industry for more than 20 years including as a guide in several places in Italy and with incoming/dmc at Turom Viaggi. Hannah is a master at thinking outside the box and finding what is needed for your dream trip before you even know it is needed.